
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Written 2/24 and Posted 2/25 cause I forgot to post yesterday! Oops!

My weekend was mostly quiet. I spent Saturday picking up some extra hours at the office and then did a bit of fabric dyeing later in the day. I still have stains on my hands from the dye, but they aren’t too bad. I keep saying I will buy a pair of rubber gloves and then I forget to pick them up. Oops! I need to run the dress and pair of jeans through a washer to remove any excess dye then the dress will need to have the buttons replaced. Joy. I hate sewing buttons. Although after getting dressed this morning I am hoping that said dress still fits me as the new jeans that I bought in a 22 and assumed would fit me because m 24s are too big are a little on the tight side. That made me a little sad and frustrated and I am wondering if I can get enough gym time in over the next few weeks to shed even a tiny bit of weight to make them fit a smidge better.

Anyway…so I dyed some clothing and am annoyed at buttons, but I also completed my first pair of galaxy shoes that I painted myself. They aren’t bad, but I am seriously thinking I am going to buy a couple more pairs of cheap shoes and some more paint and try again at least one and possibly twice and see what happens. I will still wear the first pair that I did after I have finished them with a spray sealant, but I want to see if I can improve upon my technique and do better. I also might try a different technique for a similar look on a pair of white shoes, because why not!

Tonight I need to stop at the local fresh produce/deli place, run to Walmart for cat food (Colt monster likes his new food much better and is about to get put on portion control before he gets any fatter), and I think JD and I may grab pizza for dinner. Yes, I know pizza for dinner won’t help me lose any weight, but I cannot eat healthy ALL the time. That said…

I need to start eating healthy again and really work at trying to moderate my portions while staying full enough that I don’t feel the urge to graze. I also need to get back on my liquid intake and with warmer weather coming I will probably get back into more smoothies and that may also be helpful if I can find a good way to make them that is less sugar heavy. I will have to rally do some looking and see what I can do. I know that I go through phases where I say that I am tired of being fat and that I need to make all these changes and they have never stuck, but I feel like eventually that I have to start getting better about taking care of myself and having JD to help me seems to really make a difference.

On the down note of my weekend as I was painting my shoes yesterday I realized that I was shaking very, very hard. Dropping paint brushes and dripping paint kind of hard. But I was so focused on painting my shoes that these were only minor annoyances and I was almost in a frenzy of creativity. And then I finished my shoes and really noticed just how bad I was shaking. It made me feel really out of control so I went and found JD and he laid in bed with me for probably an hour just holding me so that I could try and calm down. It still took a while and I was jittery  off and on for most of the evening and I appear to be a bit faster than usual this morning as well so hopefully I will settle down as the day wears on.

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